Home Home automation guides Total Control Automation: The Future of Home Automation

Total Control Automation: The Future of Home Automation

If you're looking to make your home smarter and more automated, you might want to consider total control automation. Total control automation is the practice of controlling all the electronic devices in your home from a central location or device.

The concept is fairly simple. You install one central automation system, and it integrates with all the smart devices in your home. Once everything is connected, you can control anything from anywhere with the click of a button.

But why would you want total control automation, and what kind of devices will work with it? In this blog post, we'll explore the answers to these questions and more.

What is Total Control Automation?

Total control automation is more than just a fancy gadget to show off to your friends. It's a way to simplify your life and make your home more comfortable and secure.

Home automation, in general, refers to the integration of electronic devices into your home. This can range from smart lights and thermostats to voice-activated assistants and security cameras.

However, home automation systems can be difficult to manage if you have a range of different devices from different manufacturers. They often require separate apps or interfaces, and it can be hard to keep track of everything.

Total control automation simplifies this by centralizing everything into one system. You can control all your devices from one app or device, and you'll know exactly what's going on in your home at all times.

What Devices Work with Total Control Automation?

One of the best things about total control automation is that it works with almost any smart device. This is because it uses common communication protocols such as Zigbee, Wi-Fi, and Z-Wave.

Some devices that work well with total control automation include:

  • Smart thermostats
  • Smart lights
  • Door locks and deadbolts
  • Voice-activated assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Home
  • Security systems and cameras
  • Entertainment systems

With total control automation, you can easily control all these devices from one location. For example, you can turn off all your lights, lock the doors, and arm your security system with one tap on your phone. It's so convenient!

Benefits of Total Control Automation

There are numerous benefits to using total control automation in your home. Here are just a few:


Total control automation simplifies your life by allowing you to control all your smart devices from one location. You don't have to switch between apps or try to remember which device controls what. Just open up your automation app and you're ready to go.

Energy Savings

Smart devices can help you save money on energy costs by automatically adjusting systems like lighting and temperature when you're not home or when you're asleep. This can help you save money on your energy bill without having to remember to manually adjust these settings.

Higher Home Value

Investing in total control automation can increase the value of your home. When it comes time to sell, many buyers will be attracted to homes that have advanced smart-home automation systems installed.

Improved Security

Security cameras, alarms, and smart locks can all be integrated into your total control automation system. You can monitor your home from anywhere, and get alerts if there is suspicious activity on your property.


Total control automation is the future of home automation, and it is an investment that can improve your life. From simplifying your routine to saving you money on energy bills, to increasing the value of your home, to providing you peace of mind, total control automation is a smart choice for any homeowner looking to automate their life.

Posted on: Aug 18, 2022 Last updated at: May 4, 2023

Frequently asked questions

What is total control automation?
Total control automation is a comprehensive system that allows you to control and automate all aspects of your home, including lighting, entertainment systems, security, climate control, appliances, and more.
How does total control automation improve my life?
Total control automation makes your life easier by giving you the ability to personalize your home environment to your preferences and needs. You can control everything from your phone or tablet, making it easy to adjust settings for your comfort and convenience.
Is total control automation expensive?
Total control automation systems can vary in price depending on the features you choose. However, the long-term benefits of energy savings, increased security, and improved convenience make it well worth the investment.
Can I install total control automation myself?
While it is technically possible to install a total control automation system yourself, it is not recommended unless you have experience in home automation and electrical work. It's best to hire a professional to ensure everything is wired and configured correctly.
Will total control automation work with my current home systems?
Yes, total control automation systems are compatible with most home systems, including lighting, entertainment, and security. Your installer will customize the system to work seamlessly with your current setup.
Can I control my home automation system remotely?
Yes, total control automation systems allow you to control your home devices from anywhere with an internet connection. You can adjust settings, monitor your home, and even view security camera feeds from your smartphone or tablet.
Is total control automation secure?
Yes, total control automation systems have numerous security features, including advanced encryption algorithms, password-protected access, and notifications for unauthorized access attempts.
Will total control automation save me money on energy bills?
Yes, total control automation systems can save you money on energy bills by allowing you to control your home's climate and lighting more efficiently. You can also set up automated schedules to turn off appliances and lights when they are not in use.
Can I add new devices to my total control automation system later?
Yes, total control automation systems are designed to be expandable. You can add additional devices or upgrade your system as needed to meet your changing needs.
Is total control automation the future of home automation?
Yes, total control automation is the future of home automation. As technology continues to advance, more homes are moving towards a comprehensive, fully automated approach to controlling and managing home devices and systems.